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  2. General Information
  3. License


With ThemeForest regular license you are licensed to use this theme to create one single End Product (the final website customized with your content) for yourself or for one client. In short:

What is allowed with single regular license:

  • You can create one website for yourself or for your client and you can transfer that single website to your client for any fee. This license is then transferred to your client.
  • You can install the theme on your test server for testing/development purposes (that installation shouldn’t be available to the public).
  • You can modify or manipulate the theme, you can combine it with other works to create the End Product.
  • Theme updates for that single End Product (website) are free.

What is not allowed:

  • With single regular license it is not allowed you to create multiple websites. For multiple websites you will need multiple regular licenses.
  • To resell the same website (Single End Product) to another clients. You will need to purchase an extended license for this.